-Noggin Logg #1-

13 Free Ways
To Improve Your Quality of Life

Submitted for Consideration

Here are the 13 thoughts that have most significantly improved my ability to effectively accomplish my goals, express my love, and sustain my being.

Apply a few to your conscious agenda. In time, they may become empowering habits.

Set Your Goals

Write down 5 daily goals for yourself every night. If you don't complete one tomorrow, simply carry it over into the next day's goals.

Have long term goals set and keep them as your main focus.

Spell out, visualize, and declare your intentions on a regular basis. Focus as much of your attention on the end results, and trust your intuition as it guides you.

Physical Health


Seems obvious but I feel like a majority of us miss the mark when it comes to the most basic necessity in life. 

Shift your main focus to your water consumption for 21 days. 

Let hydration become a habit. 

You appear to be trying to sustain a being that is mostly made of this stuff. 

A new glass water bottle would make an excellent gift for a friend.


Pay attention to any unnecessary stress you might be subconsciously carrying. 

For most of my life I was unknowingly putting tension on my body. 

Pressing my tongue to the roof of my mouth, clenching my jaw, and stiffening my shoulders.

 I focused on relieving the areas that harbored extra stress and after a few weeks it became routine.

 Not Being Stressed Can Become A Habit


Ok, so the dogs in the picture aren’t actually drinking a martini but you totally can! 

My opinion is that it’s healthy to allow yourself to indulge in those moderately unhealthy habits. 

Give yourself a 5 day vacation of pleasure once a month to help you remain discipline with your habits the rest of the way. 

Having a reoccurring indulgence period to look forward to may help you see through to the end of your goals.


Develop Methods. Take Actions. 

Study Your Passions. Be Prepared. 

Form Habits.

Observe The Moon

Notice how the different phases impact your life. 

Begin planning your schedule according to The Moon.

Ask Good Questions

As iron sharpens iron, so do people sharpen people.

Pick your neighbor's brain with tough inquiries. When you meet new people, make it a point to figure out what they have learned from their occupation, craft, or lifestyle. Asking profound questions is an easy way to grow.

Ask, and you shall receive.

Make Sacred Space

Be reminded of who you are.

Once a month, I rearrange my living space to inspire the next chapter in my life. I observe the objects of greatest meaning to me and I become more grateful for who I am.

Your surroundings impact your quality of life. Take care of yourself inside and out.


Make Up Games.

I am constantly looking for opportunities to play. It's the best way to grow. I learn best by goofing around with whatever intrigues me. Error is part of the trial process.

Activate your body and mind through the whimsical eyes of your inner child.

Express Love

This is a tough one for many of us.

Society has created a stigma associated with emotions.

Feel your feelings.
That's what you're supposed to do with them...

Share what you experience with the people around you.


Vocalizing is a great activity that contributes to wellness from within. I have a singing bowl to help me resonate with my favorite frequencies. Discover the power to massage your entire body using your voice.

Gain Awareness of Frequencies


You can only change the world if first you learn to change your mind. You only posses ONE of the 7.5 Billion opinions on this planet. Delegate a larger portion of your time to listening and value each other's thoughts.

Silence Brings Out The Truth.


Express yourself with whatever you do. Add your own personal flair to our world.  Create freely and you will be freed from within.

Logg that in your noggin

Written By
Tomm Grimm

Fund Tomm

Tomm Grimm is the creative pseudonym for Brandon Thompson of Moorhead, MN. He survives as an artist thanks to support from his gracious fans.

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Tomm Grimm

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